
Pink bullets...

I was just bony hands as cold as a winter pole

you held a warm stone out new flowing blood to hold

oh what a contrast you were

to the brutes in the halls

my timid young fingers held a decent animal.

Over the ramparts you tossed

the scent of your skin and some foreign flowers

tied to a brick sweet as a song

the years have been short but the days were long.

Cool of a temperate breeze from dark skies to wet grass

we fell in a field it seems now a thousand summers passed

when our kite lines first crossed

we tied them into knots and to finally fly apart

we had to cut them off.

Since then it's been a book you read in reverse

you understand less as the pages turn

or a movie so crass

and awkardly cast

that even I could be the star.

I don't look back much as a rule

and all this way before murder was cool

but your memory is here and I'd like it to stay

warm light on a winters day.

Over the ramparts you tossed

the scent of your skin and some foreign flowers

tied to a brick

sweet as a song

the years have seemed short but the days go slowly by

two loose kites falling from the sky

drawn to the ground and an end to flight.

The Shins

A place to go

Porqué hoy busco un lugar etéreo, fugaz, transparente, frágil... pero, sobre todo, alejado de mi mismo.


horizonte hogar

I´ll loose some sales and my boss won't be happy

but I can't stop listening to the sound

of two soft voices blended in perfection

from the reels of this record that I've found

every day there's a boy in the mirror asking me:

what are you doing here?

finding all my previous motives growing increasingly unclear

I've traveled far and I've burned all the bridges

I believed as soon as I hit land

all the other options held before me

would wither in the light of my plan

so I'll loose some sales and my boss won't be happy

but there's only one thing on my mind

searching boxes underneath the counter

on a chance that on a tape I'd find

a song for someone who needs somewhere to long for

homesick because I no longer know where home is...

Perderé algunas ventas y mi jefe no estará feliz

pero no puedo dejar de escuchar el sonido

de dos voces ensambladas a la perfección

desde las ruedas de esta cinta que he encontrado.

Cada día hay un chico en el espejo preguntandome:

"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?"

Hallando que cada vez las razones de antes

se vuelven más confusas.

He viajado lejos y he quemado los puentes

creí que antes de darme contra el suelo

todas las opciones sostenidas antes de mi

se marchitarían a la luz de mi plan

Así que perderé algunas ventas y me jefe no estará feliz

pero solo hay una cosa en mi mente

buscando cajas debajo del mostrador

a la espera de que en una cinta

encuentre una canción para alguien

que necesite un lugar para añorar


porque hace tanto que no sé dónde está mi hogar...


Este extraño cabaret

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Clubs and bells, your servant, dont forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
Downy sins of streetlight fancies
Chase the costumes she shall wear
Ermine furs adorn the imperious
Severin, severin awaits you thereI
am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears
Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
Severin, severin, speak so slightly
Severin, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me
I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears
Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Severin, your servant comes in bells, please dont forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart


como un corazón entumecido

que ya no late

sino sangra

palabras calcadas

de los libros del hastío

la noche

de fría morbidez

y negro cuero

rompía las malditas reglas

de este sucio



I want to be a little seahorse

I'm high and I'm happy and I'm free
I got my whole heart
Laid out right in front of me
And I finally can see
The way it's always been
The need for peace
Starts from within
So I leave my possesions to the wind
And I'm done with ever wanting anything
Well I can die satisfied
No desires do I hide
Not today, not today
Nor for the next one thousand lives
I want to be a little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
A little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse
I want to be a little seahorse...
Well I'm scared of ever being born again
If it's in this form again
Well I wanna know how why where and when and then
I wanna see you be the bright night sky
I wanna see you come back as the light
I wanna see you be the bright night sky
I wanna see you come back as the light

Introspectivo, intimista, abierto, ecléctico...Grabado en el mismo desierto que tanto inspiró a Jim Morrison o a Neil Young...un paisaje sonoro bello y onírico.

Hacía algún tiempo que venía escuchando el último trabajo de Devendra Banhart, pero hoy mi mamá me ha regalado el disco....GRACIAS MAMÁ POR TANTAS COSAS....este post va dedicado a ti.


Tuva, en los albores del canto

Hay algo primigenio en las voces de estos hombres y mujeres de Tuva. Algo que remite muy atrás en la memoria de la Humanidad, cuando aún nos confundíamos con la naturaleza y nos sentíamos como parte de ella. Algo que creemos perdido, pero que se encuentra en nuestras profundidades aunque tratemos de esconderlo bajo disfraces hipertecnológicos, ciudades abarrotadas, fingido individualismo o racionalidades de dudosa certeza.

No deja de ser difícil rescatar a las palabras la profundidad y complejidad que estos cantos conllevan, no es de extrañar si nos fijamos en que nuestro mundo se empeña en una restructuración drástica de los símbolos y los mitos, los cuales recaen ahora sobre las figuras simplificadas de los objetos del mercado, por muy global y post-todo que este sea, lo único que importa es lo que se vende y los estilos de vida que se asocian a esto.

Así, casi sin querer, estamos olvidando, dando la espalda, a todas las formas de cultura que nos son extrañas, o sea, que no entran en el juego de mercaderes, culturas de las que seguro tenemos mucho mas que aprender de lo que suponemos o imaginamos.

En este caso, es triste observar como una tradición milenaria de chamanismo, sabiduría, arte y formas de estar ante el mundo, en definitiva, se está perdiendo para siempre, infectada de Occidente.

Sigamos soñando con un mundo complejo y vivo, donde no tenga que extinguirse ninguna visión.



Seguid esta señal amigas y amigos,
pura atmósfera...
Es la materia misma de los sueños...

Atomic Rooster, parte de la banda de acompañamiento de Arthur Brown.
Otra joya perdida en los solitarios bosques del pasado.


FIRE!!!!!! Arthur Brown

I am the god of hell fire and I bring you:

Fire, I'll take you to burn.

Fire, I'll take you to learn. I'll see you burn!

You fought hard and you saved and learned,

but all of it's going to burn.

And your mind, your tiny mind,

you know you've really been so blind.

Now 's your time burn your mind.

You're falling far too far behind.

Oh no, oh no, oh no, you gonna burn!

Fire, to destroy all you've done.

Fire, to end all you've become. I

'll feel you burn!

You've been living like a little girl,

in the middle of your little world.

And your mind, your tiny mind,

you know you've really been so blind.

Now 's your time burn your mind,

you're falling far too far behind.

Fire, I´ll take to burn

Fire, I´ll take to learn.

You gonna burn.


Quemar todo lo establecido en nosotros, quizás sea mas necesario de lo que creemos.